We all experience skin issues at some time in our lives. Although they are common during the teenage years, it is certainly not restricted to it. The fact is, skin issues can occur well into adulthood. As you explore the potential causes of skin problems, you will naturally consider the obvious culprits such as foods that you …Read More
Posted on: May 24 2017
By: editor
Are you bothered by have bumps and pimples of rosacea or persistent redness that is difficult to control? Physical modalities and devices, such as lasers and intense pulsed light (IPL) systems, have revolutionized the way rosacea is treated. At the recent World Meeting of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology in Panama City, Dr. Kroumpouzos reviewed …Read More
Posted on: Jul 5 2016
By: editor
Perhaps you know that hyperlipidemia, or increased cholesterol and/or triglycerides, is common in the general population. What you may not know is that certain skin diseases are specifically associated with cholesterol and/or triglyceride abnormalities. A report by Dr. Kroumpouzos and colleagues that was published in the journal Archives of Dermatology indicates that patients with a …Read More