Total Body Narrow Band UVB Therapy
Narrowband UVB is the most advanced phototherapy option. It is very effective in clearing a number of inflammatory conditions, including among others psoriasis, eczema (atopic dermatitis) and other pruritic dermatoses, and vitiligo. GK Dermatology offers Narrow Band UVB Therapy in Weymouth MA, our South Shore MA office that also services Greater Boston.
How Narrow Band UVB Therapy Works
The narrowband bulbs emit in the 311-313 nm range which allows for the lowest effective dosage of light with the least erythema (redness). Narrowband phototherapy is administered in the office by appointment at a frequency to be determined by your dermatologist. Initially, at least two visits per week are required. It can be scheduled as early as 8:15 am and as late as 5:00 pm daily. This treatment is typically covered by most insurances.
About Narrow Band UVB Therapy in Weymouth MA
It is advisable to cover those areas that do not need to be exposed to the light while you are in the UVB booth, use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and goggles, which are provided at the office. As part of your Narrow Band UVB Therapy in Weymouth MA, Dr. Kroumpouzos will periodically be evaluating your progress, and will determine the need for additional UVB treatments as well as the overall length and frequency (visits per week) of treatment.
If you have any questions about Narrow Band UVB Therapy in Weymouth MA by GK Dermatology (South Shore MA Phototherapy Specialists), please call 781-812-1078 to schedule a consultation and learn more.